Kaashi Raaghav movie will be released in theatres on January 3, 2025. Tickets for the film can be booked online through Book My Show, in which you will be able to star Cast Jayesh More as Raaghav, Deeksha Joshi as Kaashi, Shruhad Goswami, Preeti Daas as Chandani (transgender), Pihushree Ghadhvi as Shobita will be seen acting. Kaashi Raaghav movie will be released in the Gujarati language only, and its first-day collection can be around ₹ 0.06 Cr.
Kaashi Raaghav box office collection day-wise
Day | India Net Collection |
Day 1 | ₹ 0.06 Cr |
Day 2 | ₹ 0.08 Cr |
Day 3 | ₹ 0.09 Cr |
Day 4 | ₹ 0.03 Cr |
Day 5 | – |
Day 6 | – |
Total | ₹ 0.26 Cr |
India box office Nett ₹ 0.26 Cr
India box office Gross ₹ 0.3 Cr
Overseas Gross
Total Worldwide Collections Gross ₹ 0.3 Cr
Kaashi Raaghav movie budget
The film has been made with a budget of ₹ 3 cr, out of which about ₹ 1 cr is the production cost and including the fees of the star cast, around ₹ 2 cr has been spent. Overall, the film has been made with the budget of Kaashi Raaghav movie. Overall, according to the report, the film has a budget of ₹ 3 cr.
movie details & hit or flop
Category | Details |
Movie Title | Kaashi Raaghav |
Release Date | 3 January 2025 |
Language | Gujarati |
Duration | 2 hours 10 minutes |
Genre | Drama |
Certification | UA 16+ |
Synopsis | A lost child, a haunted past, and a tragic love story form the crux of Kaashi Raaghav, a tale of betrayal, redemption, and the struggles against a harsh society. |
Cast | Jayesh More as Raaghav, Deeksha Joshi as Kaashi, Shruhad Goswami, Preeti Daas as Chandani (transgender), Pihushree Ghadhvi as Shobita |
Director | Dhruv Goswami |
Writer | Dhruv Goswami |
Producers | Dhanpal Shah, Shweta Dhanpal Shah |
Music | Vatsal-Kavan |
Executive Producer | Asha Goswami |
Screenplay & Dialogue | Jatan Pandya |
Kaashi Raaghav Screen count
India | 600 |
Overseas | 100 |
Worldwide total | 700 * approx |