Bhairathi Ranagal movie has been released in cinemas on 15th November 2024 in which exciting things like drama crime action are seen, if you watch it, you can watch it for a running time of 2 hours 14 minutes, whose story is quite interesting and the director of this movie is Northern and the producer of the movie is Geeta Shivraj Kumar ji and the music composer is Ravi Basrur.
Bhairathi Ranagal 5 Days Box Office Collection
Day | India Net Collection | Change(+/-) |
Day 1 | ₹ 2.3 Cr | – |
Day 2 | ₹ 2.7 Cr | 17.39% |
Day 3 | ₹ 3.4 Cr | 25.93% |
Day 4 | ₹ 1.69 Cr * rough data | -50.29% |
Day 5 | ₹ 1.70 Cr * may earn | – |
Total | ₹ 11.81 Cr | – |
If we talk about the box office collection of Bhairathi Ranagal movie, it is seen that its first day’s box office collection is 2.3 crores rupees and the second day’s box office collection was 2.7 crores rupees. And the third day’s box office collection was 3.4 crores rupees and the fourth day’s box office collection is about 1.69 crores rupees and its fifth day’s box office collection was about 1.70 crores rupees and its total box office collection is 11.81 crores rupees.
hit or flop
Bhairathi Ranagal movie has been made by investing about 20 to 25 crores rupees. If this movie earns more than its budget, then it will be seen as a superhit in the cinema hall one day and on the other hand, if it earns less than its budget, then it may be seen as a flop somewhere. So far it has been seen earning well at its box office collection and if this movie continues to earn like this, then this film will definitely prove to be a superhit. It is believed by the people that this film is very romantic to watch.
movie details
Bhairathi Ranagal movie released in theaters on 15 November 2024 in which the movie is mainly made on crime drama action and its story depicts the life of a Bhairathi Ranagal i.e. his coming to power and his transformation as the most dreaded gangster in Ronapura Star Cast Dr. Shiva Rajkumar as Bhairathi Ranagal – Rukmini Vasanth – Rahul Bose – Shabeer Kallarakkal – Chaya Singh – Devaraj – Madhu Guruswamy – Babu Hirannaiah