Soodhu Kavvum 2 movie will be released in theatres on 13 Dec, 2024. Tickets for the film can be booked online through Book My Show, in which you will be able to star Cast Karunakaran as Arumai Pragasam Yog Japee as Bramma Aruldoss as Doctor Radha Ravi as Sathiyaseelan M. S. Bhaskar as Gnanodhayam Vagai Chandrasekhar as Kannabiran Harisha Jestin as Ammu Shihan Karate Karrthi as Devanayagam will be seen acting. Soodhu Kavvum 2 movie will be released in the Tamil language only, and its first-day collection can be around ₹ 0.36 Cr.
Soodhu Kavvum 2 box office collection day-wise
Day | India Net Collection |
Day 1 | ₹0.36 crore |
Day 2 | ₹ 0.40 Cr * approx |
Day 3 | ₹ 0.45 Cr * may earn |
Day 4 | ₹ 0.25 Cr * may earn |
Day 5 | ₹ 0.15 Cr * may earn |
Day 6 | ₹ 0.10 Cr * may earn |
day 7 | ₹ 0.05 Cr * may earn |
Total | ₹ 1.66 Cr |
India box office Nett ₹ 1.66 Cr
India box office Gross ₹ 1.80 Cr
Overseas Gross ₹ 0.10 Cr
Total Worldwide Collections Gross ₹ 1.80 Cr
Soodhu Kavvum 2 movie budget
The film has been made with a budget of ₹ 2 cr, out of which about ₹ 0.5 cr is the production cost and including the fees of the star cast, around ₹ 1 to ₹ 2 cr has been spent. Overall, the film has been made with the budget of Soodhu Kavvum 2 movie. Overall, according to the report, the film has a budget of ₹ 2 cr.
movie details & hit or flop
Detail | Description |
Title | Soodhu Kavvum 2 |
Rating | 4.7/10 (53 Votes) |
Language | Tamil |
Duration | 2h 10m |
budget | ₹ 0.36 Cr |
hit or flop | TBA |
Genres | Action, Comedy, Thriller |
Release Date | 13 December 2024 |
Certification | UA |
Cast | Shiva as Guru Karunakaran as Arumai Pragasam Yog Japee as Bramma Aruldoss as Doctor Radha Ravi as Sathiyaseelan M. S. Bhaskar as Gnanodhayam Vagai Chandrasekhar as Kannabiran Harisha Jestin as Ammu Shihan Karate Karrthi as Devanayagam |
Director | S J Arjun |
Producers | C.V. Kumar, Thangaraj S |
Music | Edwin Louis Viswanath |
Cinematography | Karthik K Thillai |
Editor | Ignatious Aswin |
Soodhu Kavvum 2 Screen count
India | 500 |
Overseas | 100 |
Worldwide total | 1100 * approx |