Mr Bengali movie box office collection | day-wise | budget | cast & director | hit or flop?

Mr Bengali movie will be released in theatres on January 3, 2025. Tickets for the film can be booked online through Book My Show, in which you will be able to star Cast Aristo Suresh as Bengali- Kollam Thulasi as Padmanabhan- Joby Vayalunkal as Raghavan- Boban Alummoodan as Vakkil- Vishnu Prasad as Abdullah- Yavanika Gopalakrishnan as Krishnan Mash will be seen acting. Mr Bengali movie will be released in the Malayalam language only, and its first-day collection can be around ₹ 0.01 Cr.

Mr Bengali box office collection day-wise

DayIndia Net Collection
Day 1 ₹ 0.01 Cr
Day 2₹ 0.01 Cr
Day 3₹ 0.01 Cr
Day 4 ₹ 0.01 Cr
Day 5
Day 6
Total₹ 0.04 Cr

India box office Nett ₹ 0.04 Cr

India box office Gross ₹ 0.04 Cr

Overseas Gross

Total Worldwide Collections Gross ₹ 0.06 Cr

Mr Bengali movie budget

The film has been made with a budget of ₹ 2 cr, out of which about ₹ 0.50 cr is the production cost and including the fees of the star cast, around ₹ 1.50 cr has been spent. Overall, the film has been made with the budget of Mr Bengali movie. Overall, according to the report, the film has a budget of ₹ 2 cr.

movie details & hit or flop

TitleMr Bengali
Interested Viewers5.4K
Release Date3 January 2025
Duration2h 20m
GenresComedy, Drama, Family
CertificationU (Universal)
CastAristo Suresh as Bengali
Kollam Thulasi as Padmanabhan
Joby Vayalunkal as Raghavan
Boban Alummoodan as Vakkil
Vishnu Prasad as Abdullah
Yavanika Gopalakrishnan as Krishnan Mash
DirectorJoby Vayalunkal
ProducersJoby Vayalunkal
MusicVB Rajesh, Asim Salim, Jaseer EN
CinematographerAruldas SreeKumar
Booking OptionsAvailable

Mr Bengali Screen count

Worldwide total600 * approx

movie trailers

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Written by Rama Shankar tiwari

I am the founder of this portal and I have almost 6 years of experience in doing complete analysis of all these things including box office collection and their budget and star cast fees including hit and flop, in which I have been analyzing movie finance, so here I provide analysis related to box office collection and budget.

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